In order to evaluate the pre-trained model currently I do:
python --checkpoint_dir deepspeech-0.5.0-checkpoint --test_files ../scripts/tts/vocabulary_mixed/wavs.csv --alphabet_config_path data/alphabet.txt --lm_binary_path data/lm/lm.binary --lm_trie_path data/lm/trie --report_count 1000000 --epochs 0 --test_output_file ../scripts/tts/vocabulary_mixed/wavs_report.csv --one_shot_infer ''
It would be nice if could:
support --model (*.pbmm) instead of --checkpoint_dir. Perhaps this would speed up inference?
in inference report include wav_filename
Why does the flags naming differ in and deepspeech module ? Possible to make them take both options e.g. --lm|–lm_binary_path ?
or perhaps is a better candidate and should support test.csv instead of single wav file ?
Perhaps it already does these and I’m missing something?