Emails and Mandril


Assuming we are using Mandril as email handler for this Discourse, is the free account enough (12k/month)?

Checking Mozilla Hispano discourse I see last month we sent 8K emails, so we are close to the free limit and I assume eventually we’ll have to add some funds to get more emails ($0.20/thousand if I remember correctly).

Is this the best approach for community Discourses? Other recommendations?

We used to use Mandrill before we hit the free limit (16k emails sent in the last 30 days for us), then we switched over to Amazon SES.

Maybe SES can be requested as a community resource (@tad?)

Sure thing

@r_oVhPfcJCUUC5wbm6i4_C2Q file a bug under Community IT Requests and I’ll hook you up with SES

Note that we’ll only be providing this because you’re close to your limit and have a solid use case. I can’t give this away to every community; and would advise that anybody requiring bulk mail uses Mandrill Free for as long as possible

For now I think we are OK, we want to analyse how better use the resources. In any case I will pass this suggestion to Mozilla Hispano IT team to consider, but don’t worry I think we can stick with Mandrill for some time.

Whenever you’re ready, we can give you an SES user.

Send me an email with the bug ID and I can get it to you within a day or two

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So we reached this point, more than 12K in a month: