Download Manager S3

Benutze den Download Manager S3.
Wenn ich früher was geladen habe und den FF geschlossen habe, blieb auf den Desktop immer das Fenster des Download Manager S3.

Seit einiger Zeit ist das Fenster verschwunden. Wenn ich den FF wieder starte sehe ich am unteren Rand den Download balken und das Download funktioniert auch weiter.

Kann mir jemand erklären warum das Download Fenster nicht mehr erscheint, und ist eine Lösung für das Problem da?


Use the Download Manager S3.
If I have previously charged that the FF and have closed, remained on the desktop always the window of Download Manager S3.

For some time, the window is gone. When I start the FF again I see at the bottom bar to download and the download also works on.

Can anyone explain why the download window will not appear, and is a solution to the problem here?

Have you tried contacting the developer?

I did not know how!

The add-on page has links to a support site (which is actually a thread in a different forum).

Unfortunately, the S3 blog is entirely in Russian!

The homepage is in Russian, but it looks like the support forum at Mozillazine is in English.