Do you want a Digital Security Training for your group?

Unfortunately due to some unfortseen circumstances Sukhbir will not be able to travel to India in March/April. We are working to accomodate the groups that hae expressed interest in the trainings and will be reaching out to you personally with the posibility of rescheduling the Digital Security Training. Please reach out to us if you have any further questions.

Hello Everyone, I would like to share a really exciting opportunity for groups in India. Sukhbir Singh who is a current Mozilla Fellow is interested in hosting Digital Security Trainings in India, please find details about the training below:

Information about Sukhbir:
Sukhbir has a background in the design, development, and advocacy of privacy-enhancing technologies. As a Ford-Mozilla Fellow, he will work with the Wikimedia Foundation to further its mission of free and open access to knowledge for everyone. Before joining Mozilla, he was a developer with the Tor Project on the applications and community team.

Training Details

  • Duration: Two hours (minimum) to one day
  • Objectives:
    • Raise the level of digital security awareness of the participants through activities, discussions, presentations and hands-on work.
    • Provide an initial framework for risk assessment and threat modeling.
    • Present an initial list of digital security tools and actual hands on activities for these tools.
    • Add weight on the digital security aspects on the use of mobile phones.
  • Content/Aspects Covered:
    • By the end of the workshop, you will have a clearer understanding of the risks you face both on- and offline and be able to implement various good habits addressing these issues. You will also get a deeper understanding of how you can communicate and use technology more safely, as well as understanding the limits to privacy and security posed by technology. You will also get practical advice on protecting your identity and your data as well as tips on how to secure your communication when working with third parties (e.g. local partners, civil society actors, human rights defenders) whose identities or data may need special protection.
  • A Glance at Topics Covered:
    • Discussion on how the internet works with stress on insecurities.
    • What apps do you use on a somewhat regular basis? What do you use them for?
    • Encryption for yourself and for those with whom you communicate.
    • TLS and its various uses, with particular focus on HTTPS for websites.
    • Describe Tor and how it works.
    • Encrypted email communication (encryption and decryption)
    • Anti-malware hygiene: avoid links in emails, attachments, downloads, etc.
    • Passwords Manager
    • Prevent information loss/Backups
    • Review ways in which anonymity can be compromised, even while using these tools.

If your group is interested in hosting this workshop (in the month of March) please write to and There are limited spots, we will try to accomodate as many trainings as possible!

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