Do not Track

I’m sure many are you are well ahead of me, but I wanted to make
sure (if you have the opportunity to participate) that you’re in on ‘day one’ of Upian/ Bretty Gaylor’s Do not Track’ Series. Many of you already know Brett from his time as Director of Webmaker and Popcorn Maker, but of course also the documentary: Rip! A Remix Manifesto which you should also watch if you get the chance.

Anyway - speaking about privacy, increasingly (maybe its just me) is tough to
do in a way that doesn’t feel like you’re lecturing people about things
they can’t see, hear or feel - and yet it’s critical knowledge everyone
should have to understand their online life. I think also as Mozilla
Reps, it’s important to get better at speaking about, and personalizing
privacy, as a way to help people better connect people to Mozilla’s mission. If there are
enough of us, perhaps we can have a share-out of our take-ways on future
Reps Call.

