DinoTank Sprint: Privacy & IoT

Hello Connected Mozillians!

Recently, a small team of Mozilla staff got together to kick of the first DinoTank sprint from the winning problem statements selected by the panel in London.

The group took part in a design sprint in San Francisco, which saw the team go from problem exploration, through ideation to prototype building and testing all in a matter of 5 days. It took a lot of dedicated work and so we wanted to share the findings and results with you all.

I have published my experience in a blog post and you can also see the prototype, interviews and final findings in the full report.

The project and idea will be continued and the next step for the work is to explore a more encompassing online solution and test it with a new set of users, you can read more about the future plans in the sprint overview.

Let us know if you have any questions or feedback!

Rina and Michael.