Dev Community Project Meeting, March 16th 2017

Hello everybody,

Here are the minutes of the third Developer Community project meeting that was run on March 16th 2017.

Reminder: This meeting is public and has been recorded, everybody is welcome to attend. The schedule time for the next meeting is available on our WikiMo page.


  • Web builder interviews are in progress. The interview framework has been turn into a form to help ease the process of gathering feedback.

Next steps

  • Keep going meeting web builders.
  • Design a web builder survey based on feedback from the interviews.
  • Ali, Jeremie and Lucy will meet in Toronto next week to define coordinated Q2 objectives and deliverable between Dev Marketing and Participation teams.


  • None but we are slightly behind schedule (interviewing people is longer than expected)

I’m available to answer any questions you could have about that meeting, and the project :slight_smile:


@Jeremie if you need help with the interviews I will be happy to help :slight_smile:

Yes, no problem… as you are on my list you should get news from me quite soon (sometimes bitween tomorrow and next week)