December community campaign

hello everyone,

Again, this month we followed-up with our community campaigns, and as we did in October and November, we also run efforts through snippets in the languages we had at least 1M sentences.

The efforts were run in: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.

Again, Common Voice December community campaign followed similar success as previous months. With German taking the lead this month and validating way more than recording!

Language Recorded Validated
English 32hrs 10hrs
German 15hrs 22hrs
Spanish 18hrs 10hrs
French 12hrs 9hrs
Italian 15hrs 10hrs

We also got 41K visitors, that’s 5 times more than the previous week.

Thanks everyone who participated and supported this effort!



Why is there a minimum requirement of 1M before activating snippets?
It’ll be hard enough to get enough material, so why not start right now with collecting sentences for languages which are important for Mozilla like Dutch? The use of snippets might help these languages too.

We want to avoid people recording the same sentence more than once, if are pointing hundreds of thousands of people to a language we want to be sure we have a huge buffer of unrecorded sentences.