Data Visualizations for User Study #2

hey all, I did a quick crappy sketch to get my thoughts out, for what I think could
be helpful to see visualized. Hopefully this is begin a more fruitful
conversation so we can figure out what would actually be valuable to see as the data is coming in this week…

• Days [ 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 ]
• Time of Day [ 0hr - 24hr ]
• Devices [ Paired Device: A and B]
• Signal Type Sent [ Rainbow, Green/Yellow, Blues ]
• Signal Type Received [ Rainbow, Green/Yellow, Blues ]
• Device status: connected to wifi?
• what else?

Things I’d like to know / Questions
• which signal type is sent most often
• time of day clusters (when is most often being used)
• sending/receiving patterns (like if I initiate a send, are there many back and forths? one? none?
• overall (for the week) patterns: frequency of use/signal type, popular time of time days/signal type
• would we want to compare the paired devices with the entire collection of paired devices?


Thanks Katie!

I’d also like to know, within a pair, was one person a more frequent sender than receiver?

I’d also like to “see” what a conversation looks like, i.e., what’s the visual pattern of the messages sent/received within a “conversation” (a clump of sends/receives sent in close proximity). I want to see that the conversation was "rainbow > green lights > rainbow > blue lights, etc. So we could then ask the girls what those messages meant to them when they were sent.