Custom stats for tracking contributions of a sponsored campaign participants

Hi Common Voice Team!

We (Kyrgyz language activists) want to attract some funds to run a sponsored gamified campaign. The most active participants will be gifted prizes (like smartphones, tablets etc.). We have some experience in this kind of activities: we have successfully run a similar campaign to gather Kyrgyz-English and English-Kyrgyz dataset for Google Translate (the language is available in GT now).
In order to gather of opted in participants, we need some stats. Is there GUI/admin panel where stats are available, like userId has contributed 100 recordings, 200 validations, error rate is 1% etc?
Or, are there endpoints, where we can pull recordings for validation, push validated data, pull sentences for recording, push recordings with profile data (age range, male/female etc.)? In case they are available, we could manage the campaign ourselves.

The site dashboard is providing some of this data:


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