Creating milestones for B2G

Hi to everybody!
As it seems hard to see the progress of this project and its dependencies I suggest to slice the parts of work in to small milestones. Those parts we can update on the go to see whats awaiting us.
For sure I don’t whant to push anybody who adopted apps or is maintaining the core.
It is only to get a overview of done and open work. And maybe it even helps a developer to test his work.

For a first draft i wold invite you to read and update this etherpad:

In a second step we can get an overview how big and diversified the milestones are then deside where and how to manage them.
Thanks for participating, Novski.

Good idea.

And probably we can create (meta-)bugs for the milestones, to follow the progress easily.

Just a precision: it’s milestones for the code part (or let’s say, everything technical).

For the documentation/communication/translation tasks, we (well, I) tried to take a list of milestones on this repo:

(If someone wanna help refactoring some of them, closing and opening task, go ahead ! :))

If there is any more input for the milestone document, please write them as soon as possible :slight_smile:, it would be great to finalize this document during next week’s meeting.
What do you think everyone? (cc @TitanNano who will be hosting the call )