Council Meeting Notes - 30-03-2016

Reps Council Meeting

Date: Wednesday, 30th March 2016
Time: 15:30 UTC

Members Present in the Meeting

  • (Rosana
  • Michael
  • Konstantina
  • Faisal
  • Rara
  • Umesh

Reps innovation Fund: Detailed Proposal

  • Rosana brought some latest updates on Rep innovation fund and discussed with council.
  • Rosana shared Experiment Canvas, Criteria Document & Community experiment Launchpad document with council and asked council for feedbacks and suggestions.
  • Provided updates on feedbacks from decision making committee and innovation team.

Evolution of Reps Program:

  • Konstantina helped council with updates on all working groups.
  • So far all working groups are ready with drafts and waiting for feedbacks & concerns from their respective concerned teams.
  • Surveys are out and discussions are running on discourse to gather feedbacks from wider audience.

Meeting Time for future council meetings:

  • Due to DayLight saving in European regions there was a confusion with meeting time.
  • Michael to follow up with Council members to confirm Time for future council meetings.

For any further information or help, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Faisal Aziz
On behalf of the Reps Council