Council Meeting Notes - 24-02-2016

Reps Council Meeting

Date: Wednesday, 24th February 2016
Time: 15:30 UTC

Members Present in the Meeting

Michael, RaRa, Umesh, Christos, Rosana, Ruben, Faisal and Shahid (Chair)

1. Reps innovation Fund: Detailed Proposal
We continued our discussion on Reps Innovation Fund. We basically discussed which are the pieces that each group should work on:Council will start designing the budget process and recommend volunteers for decision making committee.Connecting Device team will start thinking about criteria for decision making and start putting together the staff team for committee.Rosana will prepare a flowchart of process to identify next steps, timeline and owners.

2. Evolution of the Reps program
All the working groups updated the status of their activities of respective groups.Working groups are now have issue on github to track it, however discussion still happens on the discourse. The initial meeting of almost all the working groups are done.

Council Chair for March-April 2016
Faisal has stepped up to take the responsibility of council chair for the period of March-April 2016. Many thanks and congratulations to Faisal for taking over as Council Chair from 1st March 2016.

For any further information or help, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Shahid Farooqui
On behalf of the Reps Council