Council Meeting Notes - 16-03-2016

Reps Council Meeting

Date: Wednesday, 16th March 2016
Time: 15:30 UTC

Members Present in the Meeting

Michael, Shahid, Umesh, Christos, Ruben, Faisal (Chair),Arturo, Rara , Rosana,

1. Reps innovation Fund: Detailed Proposal

  • Continuing the discussion from past meeting council discussed next steps in Reps Innovation fund.
  • Rosana presented updated revision of experiment canvas which is less complex and looks productive to council.
  • Rosana updated status of on-boarding members of decision making committee for reps innovation fund.

2. Evolution of the Reps program.

  • Working Group owners provided update on current status of their working groups.
  • Most of the working groups are done with their proposal draft and require review from concerned teams.
  • Some group still facing challenges in communication and meetings so council suggested them to prefer asynchronous communication for better participation.

3. Assign Mentors to Pending Applications
All pending applications have been assigned to mentors.

For any further information or help, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Faisal Aziz
On behalf of the Reps Council