Council Meeting Notes - 13-01-2016

Reps Council Meeting

Date: Wednesday, 13th January 2016
Time: 15:30 UTC

Members Present in the Meeting

Michael, Umesh, Christos, Faisal, Rara, Rosana, Nuke and Shahid (Chair)

Council’s plan for Leadership Summit in Singapore
Council is working out the plan for two sessions, communication and alignment / working groups. We need defined working groups so that we can propose it to Reps to join.

Mentees Reassignment
Mentees reassignments are almost done. Only 3 mentees are left out and they will be reassigned soon. We can ask mentors if they need help to run the first call to sync with their new mentees.

Alumni coming back
Alumni can always come back with the normal process. Here is the process:
(1) Alumni reaches out to their former mentor (or Council if the former mentor is an Alumni as well)
(2) Mentor reaches Council and starts the onboarding again (Orientation call to explain what has happened and that reporting is important)
(3) If the former Mentor is an Alumni now, Council looks for a new mentor for the Alumni requesting to be active again3) Council removes the Alumni status on the portal once the NDA is signed and back with Ruben.
(4) Once the mentor is comfortable that his mentee is back on speed regarding things that happened in the program since being active the last time, the bug can be closed again and orientation period finishes.

Activity campaign - Status Updates
Certificate of recognition to active Reps has been sent and everyone got their certificate! woohoo! We discussed to figure out a nice way to showcase the Yearbook.

Review feedback from Reps next proposal
Arrive to Singapore with a clear idea on the different “buckets” and define the working groups and their leaders. Get who wants to help within each working group.

For any further information or help, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Shahid Farooqui
On behalf of the Reps Council