Council Meeting Notes - 02-03-2016

Reps Council Meeting

Date: Wednesday, 2nd March 2016
Time: 15:30 UTC

Members Present in the Meeting

Michael, Shahid, Umesh, Christos, Ruben, Faisal (Chair)

1. Reps innovation Fund:

Council continued discussion over next steps of Reps Innovation fund. Council discussed how we can move forward with initial plan and setting up qualifying criteria to shortlist projects to be fund and mentored.Council had discussed about next steps of forming decision making committee.

2. Evolution of the Reps program
Working group owners shared current progress of all the working groups. Council discussed about blockers and bottlenecks of some working groups and decided next steps for them.Review requested from council for Resource Track working group.

3. Reps Advisory Team
Council continued its discussion about reps advisory team.By carefully evaluating feedbacks from thread, we decided to do an interest check with Ex-Council members to see if an informal group is really required or not or shall we move ahead with conventional communication channels

4. International Women’s day :
To send a mail / letter to Women’s Reps for empowerment.Rara stepped up to work on this initiative along with Rosana and Konstantina.

5.Moving Mozilla Reps Trello to GitHub
Trello cleanup task assigned and council discussed feasibility of transitioning reps group to Github from Trello.

For any further information or help, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Faisal Aziz
On behalf of the Reps Council