Community Development Team Update - March 2015

Just in case you missed it, the update is here:


–feel free to discuss this directly in Discourse! See the update below from @djst:

Hi Community Builders,

First off, I wanted to personally say hi to the followers of this
mailing list! I’ve been lurking here for some time but never posted
something until now. As Mitchell announced earlier, I’m helping and
managing the newly formed Community Development Team get off to a great
start and have the impact we want for both our volunteer leadership and
teams within the Mozilla organization - the key here is getting these
aspects of community to work together.

As a side-note: I may be an near-extinct species – after all, I’ve been
with Mozilla for the last 14 years – but when I use the word
"community", I mean both paid staff and volunteers. In recent times,
many people have started to say “community” when they really mean
"volunteers". Mitchell is even starting to think we need a new word
because the meaning of “community” has changed to a different meaning –
maybe she’s right? It’s hard to stop language from developing. But just
so it’s crystal clear, I’m part of the “old guard” here and with the
team name of Community Development, we don’t just mean Volunteer
Development (though that is one part of it).

You can read more on our thoughts on the team focus and objectives on
some of the blog posts that are already out there:

● David Tenser –Brace for impact (in a good way!)

● Emma Irwin – Mozilla Community Education in 2015

● Brian King – Regional Communities at Mozilla

● Rosana Ardila –
the scope of the Mozilla Reps program

Here are latest updates from the Community Development Team - now with
its own wiki page

Working in the open

Right now the wiki is light
on content, but we have added links to documents and other resources
related to what we are doing. We’re putting all these links there so
that this can become a place where everyone can tap into and stay
connected with what we’re working on.

The idea is that even the early work-in-progress happens in the public
google doc folder we’ve linked to. While I don’t think that removes the
need for us to actively seek feedback and point people to the work we’re
putting into things, it at least helps increase transparency and enables
those who do want to work closely with the team to know where to look.

We need your involvement! In terms of places to provide feedback, this
mailing list is a good place for now. Moving forward, we have discussed
whether it would make sense to consolidate Participation conversations
on Discourse, since it’s a
pretty nice tool catering to multiple needs and user workflows. We
probably should set up a dedicated Participation “folder” there too. For
now though, let’s just discuss here. :slight_smile:


Rosana and the Reps team have been working on a series of experiments
for functional integration called “impact teams”.
Right now the team is working with the Firefox OS market research team,
Developer Relations and the Marketplace team. The Reps council and the
peers are also heads down in this moment preparing for a meetup in Paris
this weekend to align the program with the Participation Plan.

Participation Infrastructure

Pierros and the Participation Infrastructure group have been working on
quick experiments to evaluate new ways of highly impactful contribution
on several areas. You can read about our first experiment (bugsprint
tool in FOSDEM 2015) on Pierros’s blog: We are now working on our next
experiment together with the Marketing team, to deliver a tool
facilitating a new contribution pathway (gathering Market insights). Oh,
and there’s a big focus on reusablity (not that that’s a word, but you
get the idea): that FOSDEM bugsprint tool is now being used for FOSSAsia
this weekend:


Brian is leading the work to develop a community health survey to be
launched soon. This survey will help us understand where our local
communities are doing well and what is not working, to enable us to
focus our support better and start initiatives to help in the best
possible way.

A number of community meetups have happened, some of which have had team
presence. These include meetups in Slovenia,Indonesia post, and
with the German-speaking community We
brought people up to speed on org and product goals for 2015, and did
some planning on community structure and goals for 2015 and beyond.

Firefox OS launches continue in 2015 and our role is to work with
business development and marketing teams to identify how community can
be involved. From there we determine community strength on the ground
and make decisions on what countries and regions to focus on for
community building and gathering a launch team on the ground.


William is currently leading the development of a Community Events
Strategy for 2015. We want to organize more events with a mix of small,
medium and large sized events around the world. Importantly, we want to
explore bold innovative ways to dramatically reduce the costsof these
events while increasing their impact. The summary of our thinking so far
can be found here

Some events we have been/will be trying out the new strategy are FOSDEM,
FOSSAsia, and FISL well as the
Mozilla community meetups.


Education is an aspect that is weaved into the fabrics of Participation,
and we just launched a platform at
http://education.mozilla-community.orgwith initial curriculum curated
for Reps, Rep Mentors, our first pilot with Marketpulse, and with
another one for DevRel coming up very soon. Pilots are the seedlings for
our Impact Groups and so we’re pretty excited to see them taking shape.

If you are interested in helping create or deliver community education,
please reach! Gear up for Open Education week by joining our next call

CDT in the bigger picture of Participation

CDT is part of the wider Participation Team and I’m thrilled to have
George Roter board to help
us reshape Participation at Mozilla and bring it to the next level.
George talked at the last Participation Call (you can find information
on the bi-weekly call on the wiki) so you may already know about him.
While he is formally brought in by Mark and Mitchell to lead the
Participation Task Force (as it’s referred to in the Participation 2015
plan; we now call it the
Participation Labs instead), he will also be working closely with us on
the CDT-specific things in addition to the bigger picture of
Participation, so you can definitely expect to hear more from him in the
short term.

I think that’s it, for now. Hopefully this type of update is useful. My
long-term hope is that we as a team (meaning CDT, Participation and
everyone at Mozilla who cares deeply about making Participation work
well) will work together to figure out the best way to communicate and
stay coordinated in a way that enables participation to happen
throughout project lifecycles rather than being late/after-the-fact
updates like this message. Would love feedback on that and anything else


  • David