Code Mentoring


You have technical skills but could use some help getting started on B2G OS hacking? This is for you!
Please write down on this etherpad:

  • your name and how to reach you,
  • what languages/technologies you are comfortable with,
  • topic of interest,
  • what you’d like to learn first.

and we’ll organize a mentoring session with staff.

For example:

  • Valentin, v at mozilla dot com
  • LaTeX
  • homebrewing
  • cook a good pizza

Just make it more relevant then me. :stuck_out_tongue:


¡Hola @Valentin!

Added myself to the list.


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Me too :slightly_smiling:

Hi @Valentin!

Added my name :wink:

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Nice idea , mentoring is a good things

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Thanks for participating, I’ll get back to you shortly. :slight_smile:

It seems that most of us want more information about the general contribution procedure, how to use the tools (and so on) to get started.
Am I right ? :slightly_smiling:

Update on this: the code transition team is working on a presentation for code mentoring session(s).

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Hi all!

  • Fachrul or Oji, mfachrulrazy at gmail dot com
  • python
  • b2g os
  • user interface

You could add it to the pad :wink:
(edit: I did it for you :slightly_smiling: )

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