Coaching training for Reps Mentors - Feedback

Hi everyone

We’ve recently sent a mail to the Reps Mentors mailing list to offer coaching training to our existing mentors. To make sure we capture all needs for such a training, we sent out a doodle for a quick call. Since we could only find a timeslot when a maximum of 3 people were available, I’m starting this thread asynchronously here.

I’d like to start with the following questions, however please bring up other topics as well!

  • What are the top 2 topics you struggled with your mentees in the past and could benefit from learning more about?
  • What do you see as the most important part of your current relationship with your mentees?
  • Would you be interested in having a training around coaching? If not, could you please explain why?
  • How much time could you invest in a training per week?



Hi Michael,
as usual, thanks for taking the initative …

Top 2 topics I struggle with?

  • Keep in touch with my mentees.
  • Understand what my mentees need from me.
    PS: Hi my dear mentees, +1 this post if you feel this pain. :slight_smile:

Most important part of my relationship with my mentees?

  • A bond of appreciation
  • A glimpse into the lives of other Mozillians and their impact on our mission

Interested in training?

  • Yes, of course.

How much time could I invest?

  • Maybe this could be delivered in the course of an existing Mozilla event such as an All Hands meeting or MozFest?

Best regards,


What are the top 2 topics you struggled with your mentees in the past and could benefit from learning more about?

  • how to help them to contribute when they are alone in their local community
  • how to keep them engaged when they encounter struggles ( less time, less motivation, less country focus etc)

What do you see as the most important part of your current relationship with your mentees?

  • trust - them to trust me that i have their interest/activity/ as first
  • knowledge - from my side to them - from mozilla to local communities

Would you be interested in having a training around coaching? If not, could you please explain why?

  • I am.

How much time could you invest in a training per week?

  • 4h

What are the top 2 topics you struggled with your mentees in the past and could benefit from learning more about?

  • Keeping up with my mentees on a regular basis instead of chats when there was something my mentees needed from me
  • Engagement and motiviation

What do you see as the most important part of your current relationship with your mentees?

  • Regular checkins to help my mentees grow (yes, I could have done more in the past few months for this…)

Would you be interested in having a training around coaching? If not, could you please explain why?

  • Yes

How much time could you invest in a training per week?

  • 2h

What are the top 2 topics you struggled with your mentees in the past and could benefit from learning more about?

  • Keeping up with my mentees besides the limited info from report. It was better when we have monthly report, at lease we’ll update once a month. Now many of my mentee just not report (it’s not benefit them much anyway.)
  • Engage with them with something more then “nice work, good job”. We need stickers, t-shirts, small gifts to surprise active contributors sometimes.

However I feels the problem is not simple that we can fix by learning something.

What do you see as the most important part of your current relationship with your mentees?

  • For active event running mentees, discuss on plan and raise the budget request

Would you be interested in having a training around coaching? If not, could you please explain why?

  • What we need is more time working on actually doing engagement things, but not training which cost more time from what we can contribute to be honest.

How much time could you invest in a training per week?

  • if it’s counting by per week, then it’s 0. perhaps 1 hour per month. Please made it async for people to try at any free time.

What are the top 2 topics you struggled with your mentees in the past and could benefit from learning more about?

The reporting system seems to be vague, we should have a better system on how we report our contribution to the reps program.

Following up, I couldn’t never get a proper follow up with my mentees, I felt I lost them after events.

What do you see as the most important part of your current relationship with your mentees?
Trust, I think if your mentee looks up to you, its a great relations

Would you be interested in having a training around coaching? Yes, I believe in continuous education would only enhance our abilities to be stronger in many aspects.