Coaching Training Assignment - My coaching experience

I started my contribution 2016 with the privacy events in Mozilla Gujarat community and did more than 20 event of privacy awareness to engage people and teach them about privacy and security at that time our community was just started to make it faster and strong we decide to start some regular interaction with students and professional so, at that time 2 and 3 level of listening helped me a lot to understand people and their issues, how to grow our community in a right direction, helping other, reach out people and engage more people on a regular basis in our community and now the community recognized as a one of the biggest & strongest regional community in Indian subcontinent, I am proud to be part of the team who contributed equally to initiated the community.

Because of my effort I got an opportunity to attend Mozilla Pune Meetup 2016 where I meet our fellow mozillian from all over india also meet mozilla’s employee George Roter, Dietrich ayala, Konstantina papadea and Bradely cohen and interacted with them during that 2 days event i learned the GROW Model and other things which was very inspiring for me and try to implement in our local community and was very helpful and effective.

I started contributing as an individual security speaker then I became a club captain, then a RC from that time till now I am helping 4 campus clubs to grow more, running a team of localizer in L10N Pontoon projects, mobilizing the Rust in Rain of Rust campaign, running a privacy awareness campaign via Mozilla open leadership program where Power of Question and Feedback methods help me to solve the problem of club leads, volunteer, colleagues and keep them encouraging them to contribute more with quality, but from day one I always took a step ahead to work more rigorously and get together the whole team to decide our objective and start working to achieve our goal with key results and success which leads me to becoming a Reps. All my learning and skill will also help fellow mozillians to work towards one web one Mozilla.

Viral Parmar