CLT Module 1: Introduce yourself

Hello the Firefox Community,
Name : Tane Juth
Nickname : tanerochris
Country : Cameroon
School/Univ : University Of Buea
Club name ; club not formed yet
Degree Program : Bachelor degree of Engineering
"I want to be a club lead because I believe I have a personal commitement to teach or preach to my community the web :-which still lags behind in terms of the web and associated technologies .Engage the youths to an open , transparent and hackable web."

hi, my name is sinan. country Turkey univ itü… my job vip car rental …

Hi, my name is @Akshit , I’m a FSA at Chandigarh University, India. I’m a 3rd year CSE student and i like making web and mobile apps. I’m applying for the Club lead for my CU Firefox Club.

Hey all, my name is Venkat. I am second year CSE student from Amrita. Applying for CL in ASE Firefox club. Web lover, Open Source Enthusiast, Net neutrality supporter.

Hello Everyone!!
Name : Faaiz ali khan
Nickname : faizy
Country : India
School/Univ : Chameli devi group of institutions
Club name ; club not formed yet
Degree Program : Bachelor degree in Computer Science Engineering.

"I want to be a club lead because I believe I have a personal commitement to teach or preach to my community the web "

Hey !
I’m Srushtika Neelakantam from Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India.
Currently pursuing my bachelors in Information Science. Becoming a club lead would officially recognise me as one but as of now I’ve set up the club and currently leading it with 15 officers working along with me to create an open and a better web !

Hello Mozillans,
My Name is Lakshmanan Meiyappan
Nick Name: Lax
Country: India
School/Univ: Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
Club name: Club not formed yet,
Degree and Course: Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering
Why I want to become a Club Lead Training?
“Because I love building new things, meeting new people and get satisfaction in helping others. On the whole I want to play my part in encouraging young Creative Developers from my Campus to think Big and Support Openness, Support Mozilla”

Hello Guys,

I am Tummala Dhanvi
also go with the nicks c0mrad3,dhanvi,dhanvicse,tummaladhanvi

I am from Amrita University, Amritapuri Kerala, India which don’t have a club yet and I am trying to create one after completing this training!

I want to become a Club lead as I want to help Mozilla in making the Web more Open and I would like to promote Mozilla in our college :slight_smile:

I also want to make new friends and take the responsibility of becoming a leadership :slight_smile:

You can find more about me here

Hello the Firefox Community,
Name :Rushikesh Ravindra Khot
Nickname : Rushi
Country : India
School/Univ : Sou. S.D.G.Char. Trust’s. Group Of Institutions, Sanjay Ghodawat Institutions.
Club name ; club not formed yet
Degree Program : Bachelor degree of Engineering (Computer Science and Engineering)
"I want to be a club lead because I believe that we have to spread the power of Internet in the India as there is lack of Technology in the villages of india.

Hello Firefox Community,

I am Anuja Reddy Parupally, a third year CSE student from G Narayanamma Institute of technology & Science (for women), Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

As an FSA, I have conducted few sessions on Firefox privacy as part of Privacy week campaign with the help of my fellow Mozillians. This has given me an opportunity to go into the public and create awareness among the students of my college regarding the Open web community.
My students enthusiasm to explore the web gave me a surge of confidence that if I could encourage web literacy being an FSA, why cannot I aim higher to expand it becoming a club lead . Well, I have become popular in my campus :grin:

Let us join our hands to make open web more open to all!!!