CLT Module 1: Introduce Yourself! (Club Lead Trainees Check-in!)

Hello Club Lead Trainees!
Thank you for taking the initiative to take the Club Lead Training!

For new Club Leads who will just start to establish their clubs, prepare for an awesome journey ahead! Mozilla is an insanely huge community, the possibilities are endless here! Don’t hesitate to ask any question that you have in mind. :wink:

For oldies (lol), as you may know we have revamped the FSA program and are still working on its continuous improvement. Feel free to communicate with us your feedback regarding the changes. :smile:

Alright, let’s do this!
Let’s follow this format:

  • Name
  • Nickname
  • Country
  • School/Univ
  • Club Name
  • Degree Program
  • Other Contribution Areas at Mozilla that you are involved with (if
  • Fill in the blanks: “I want to be a Club Lead because…”

Hi everybody
-Name: HOBA
-Nickname: hostarmoz
-Country: Ivory Coast
-School/Univ: MIAGE-GI/University Felix Houphouet Boigny
-Club Name: Miage-Gi CI Firefox CLUB
-Degree Program: Master of Computing Methods for the Administration and Management of Compagnies
-Other Contribution Areas at Mozilla: Webmaker, Firefox OS, Firefox.
-“I want to be a Club Lead because at first I thought with the necessary skills. I am the representative of my class since the Licence 1 (currently Master 1) and I run the student union for 1 year. I want to be to increase my CL leadership skills, strengthen the experience I have with Mozilla Professional player, but especially for a new experience with the open source Mozilla to share to everyone who adheres to the vision Mozilla.”

Hello everyone
-Name: Fachrul Razy
-Nickname: Oji
-Country: Indonesia
-School/Univ: Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang
-Club Name: PNUP Firefox Club
-Degree Program: Bachelor Degree of Computer and Network Engineering
-Other Contribution Areas at Mozilla: Webmaker, Firefox OS, Firefox.
-“I want to be a Club Lead because I want the web remains free to the people and all people can contribute to it, not just consume it”

Hey everyone!
Name: Aditya Gollakota
Nickname: Adi
Country: India
School/Univ: BMS College of Engineering
Club Name: BMSCE Firefox Club
Degree Program: Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Other Contribution Areas at Mozilla that you are involved with: Firefox, Webmaker, Firefox OS
"I want to be a Club Lead because I believe the Web should be open and by involving the people of my college we can create a difference in this world. Afterall India is the world’s most populous democracy and we have no dearth of manpower and I would like to harness this energy and use it for moving forward with Mozilla’s mission"

Name - Abhiram
Nickname - abhiramr
Country - India
School/Univ - PESIT South Campus, Bangalore
Club Name - Firefox Club PESIT South
Degree Program - B.Tech - Info Science Engg
Other Contribution Areas at Mozilla that you are involved with (if
any) - Automation
Fill in the blanks: "I want to be a Club Lead because I’ve been doing this for over a year and haven’t still got bored of it! "

Hello Everyone,
Let me introduce myself
Name: Rafiqul Alam Khan
Nickname: Rafiq
Country: Bangladesh
School/Univ: Jagannath University
Club Name: Jagannath University Firefox Club
Degree Program: Bachelor in Finance & Applied Economics
Other Contribution Areas at Mozilla that you are involved with : L10n
Fill in the blanks: “I am the founder and Club Lead of Jagannath University Firefox Club and now looking for my successor to handover the club.”

Name - J Manoj Balaji
Nickname - Bala
Country - India
School/Univ - University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering
Club Name-UVCE Firefox club
Degree Program-B.E Information Science

“I want to be a Club Lead because…i think i might be good in it since i am currently the class representative and have lead a group for cultutrals.The main idea is to get involved with mozilla and spread the concept of openness.Me becoming club lead might strenghthen my leadership and management skills.”

Name: Parth Garg
Nickname: Parry :stuck_out_tongue:
Country: India
College: Government Engineering College, Delhi
Club Name: Club not formed as yet
Degree Program: B.Tech (IT)

Fill in the blanks: "I want to be a Club Lead because I have held many positions of responsibility in the past and have done there. Also, being an IT students, various fields of contribution at Mozilla interest me. Having other IT students too at college, I can engage more and more people with me. I want to be a part of this club also because it will help me improve my skills even further, benefiting the club and Mozilla at the same time. :smiley: "

Hi everyone,

Name : Poh Yung Kien
Nickname: Yk
Country: Malaysia
University: Multimedia University
Club Name: MMU Firefox Club
Degree Program: Bachelor Degree of Artificial Intelligence
"I want to be a Club Lead because I want to contribute myself into education-related matters and to promote Mozilla Community to my peers in campus."

Hi everyone,

Name : Samhith G B
Nickname : GB
College : R V College of Engineering, Bangalore
Club Name: RVCE Firefox Club
Degree Program: B.Tech (Information Science)
“I want to be a Club Lead because I feel Mozilla’s principles of Open Web is crucial for a better future of the internet.I strongly think by forming a group of interested people in our college, we can contribute greatly for this mission and in the process, bring awareness among the others as well !”

Hello everyone,

Name: Syed Muhammad Mahmudul Haque
Nickname: Yamin
Country: Bangladesh
School/Univ: Metropolitan University
Club Name: Firefox Club MU
Degree Program: B.Sc Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering
Other Contribution Areas at Mozilla: Webmaker, Firefox, Firefox OS, Affiliates
Fill in the blanks: “I want to be a Club Lead because, I want to promote Mozilla in my new Grad. School (Metropolitan University) and start a Web Literacy campaign. I also want the web remain free for all. I have previous experience as a co-club lead in my old Grad. School(Shahjalal University of Science and Technology).”

Hello everyone :smiley:
Name: sushmitha madireddy
-Nickname: sush
-Country: India
-School/Univ: Christu Jyoti Institute of Technology & Science
-Club Name: CJITS Firefox Club
-Degree Computer Science Engineering
-"I want to be a Club Lead because I want to improve my skills ,connect to other people of different countries…and put my ideas in to exsistences…on mozilla…

Name: Rishabh Banga
Nickname: Banga
Country: India
School/Univ: Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University
Club Name: Amity Firefox Club
Degree Program: B.Tech Computer Science
Other Contribution Areas at Mozilla:

  1. Webmaker Mentor, and that being said am a part of Webmaker Training and Webmaker Community
  2. I was a developer for the fx10 landing page
  3. Part of the Internet For All campaign.
  4. Part of Contributor of CommunityIT discourse team.
  5. Part and Contributor of Open Badges Community

I am a Club Lead because I love to lead by example and show how things get done. Be it organizing Maker Party events or making teaching kits or simply giving talks on Firefox OS.

Hi, All!

Name: Hoony, Jang
Nickname: Hoony
Country: South Korea
School/Univ: Korea University
Club Name: Firefox Club @KU
Degree Program: BA of Business Administration and Computer Science(Double Major)
Other Contribution Areas at Mozilla that you are involved with Hacks, WebMaker, Lightening Talk
Fill in the blanks: “Many of korean students don’t know how mozilla products are awesome! and important. I’d like to promote for letting them know about it”

Hi, everyone!!
Name: Obasi Iheanyichukwu N.
Nickname: Smallz
Country: Nigeria
School/Univ: University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Degree Program: Bsc. Geography
"I want to be a club lead because I believe and would love to be an integral part of the Mozilla movement and I am certain I can contribute productively in bringing the difference of Mozilla to my school community"

Name: Ruwaiz Razak
Nickname: REZ
Country: India
School/Univ:Ghousia College of engineering
Club Name: Club not formed as yet.
Degree Program: Bachelor of engineering in computer science
Other Contribution Areas at Mozilla that you are involved with (if
any): Webmaker translation program
Fill in the blanks: "I want to be a Club Lead because i want to take my mates in college to understand the working of the web, and guide them to the joy of developing something new.

Hello everyone,
Name : Adamya Goel
-Nickname : AdamyaRockStar

  • Country : India

  • School/Univ : Uttaranchal University, Dehradun

  • Club Name : Uttaranchal University FireFox Student Club (

  • Degree Program : B.Tech From Computer Science Engineering
    I want to be club Lead Because I want to utilize & spread out my knowledge among my university Students. I also want to find out the Talented Students from My university which will help Firefox.

Hello Everyone,

Name: Mohammed.Imran Ali
Nickname: Asad
Country : India
School/Univ :Prasad Engineering College
Club Name : Not Yet formed ( Beginner )
Degree Program : B.Tech - Electronics And Communication Engineering

Fill in the blanks: "I want to be a Club Lead because i do have experience in leading college events and could handle the huge stages with a good number of crowds . And most importantly i have good communication skill which would lead me to create more friends "

Name - Miten Kashiyani
Nickname - MDK
Country - India
School/Univ - Babariya Institute of Technology (BITS)
Club Name - about to establish club
Degree Program - Bachelor Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering
Other Contribution Areas at Mozilla that you are involved with - Firefox, Firefox for Mobile
Fill in the blanks: "I want to be a Club Lead because i want to aware people with this phenomenal technology. i want to aware them of this successive openness, innovation non-profit organize. i want to spread the knowledge and educating the people and let them understand about mozilla mission.

Thank You!

Name: Areej Ahmad Amer
Nickname : Roojy
Country: Jordan
School/Univ: University of Jordan
Club Name: JU Firefox Club
Degree Program: B.Sc in Business Information Technology
Other Contribution Areas at Mozilla that you are involved with: Womoz , Web maker , l10n , and teaching the web initiative
Fill in the blanks: "I am a Club Lead because , I’ve found what represents me and my passion to web in mozilla , and because I’ve held many leading positions which qualifies me to take the lead besides my "