I have been trying to setup the CV app locally, but I encountered following errors attached in screenshot .
The yarn log shows following message:
'[BE] at PromisePool.query (/home/mint/voice-web/node_modules/mysql2/promise.js:323:22)
[BE] at Mysql.query (/home/mint/voice-web/server/src/lib/model/db/mysql.ts:83:35)
[BE] at process.internalTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:77:7)
[BE] /api/v1/user_client'
I setup fresh Ubuntu server & installed git, node, npm, yarn, mysql
cloned the CV repo.
created config.json to mention AWS credentials and S3 bucket details.
I created mysql voiceweb db & provided voicecommons user all privileges. (although not mentioned anywhere in contributing.md) If the db is absent the error says ‘unknown database’ if db is present it says
[Table voiceweb.user_clients’ doesn’t exist.]
Surely this is a database connection/permissions error. I also setup remote AWS RDS with successful mysql connection. But got same errors as shown above.
What /server/src/lib/model/db/mysql.ts
file does? it has different user/pass values than /server/src/config-helper.ts
Is there something I missed?
I also tried docker & with many other variations in vm but no succuess.
How do you successfully setup the CV app? Do we have sample config.json file (and where to keep it?