Clicking pageshot button changes page so I cannot take screenshot

Hi o/

Trying to get an screenshot with the list of inside a .
Cannot do it because as soon as I click outside the page the list of options is closed :pensive:.

Is there some way to do it? Otherwise I’d suggest, it as a feature :slight_smile:

Oh, that is unfortunate. In this case I would suggest using your Operating System’s screenshot feature, since it can be activated without clicking outside the page.

Page Shot used to have a keyboard shortcut but it was removed at one point because it was causing conflicts. Maybe this feature has been added back into the code. If it has, maybe pressing the keyboard shortcut to activate Page Shot would work.

What about adding a countdown feature? That would work for me :slight_smile:

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Keyboard shortcut is on the roadmap (see ). I haven’t heard anything about a countdown feature though. That’s interesting, and I filed it at for Product to think about adding (or at least doing some testing/research on). Cheers!