Chrome Window Unload and Removing Nodes & Listeners

In case of Chrome Window unload (not DOM window), how necessary is to to remove added nodes and listeners?
Are they destroyed immediately or not?

I have been removing them up to now but got curious to know what happens when a Chrome Window is closes.

As an example, consider an added Context-menu item plus its event listener.

Thank you

Event listeners and DOM nodes should be cleaned up when the window is closed. It’s not necessary to clean those up manually.

Than you @jorgev

I got mixed replies on this issue with reference to whether the items in question are referenced or not.

For example, when context menus and their respective listeners are added to a new Chrome window (from bootstrap), when the Chrome window is closed, should they be removed?
Do they actually still exist in the first place on ‘unload’ event?

I that case I think it’s best to remove them, but they are mostly likely cleaned up when the window is closed.