CHIP IOT Standard Announcement & Mozilla IOT comments?

In the last 2 days there has been much publicity about the new CHIP IOT communication standard hosted by the Zigbee Alliance with very large companies such as Google, Amazon, Apple, et. al. I scanned a list of other partners, with interest, looking for Mozilla IOT w/o success.

Q: Can the Mozilla IOT team comment at some point about the implications of this new communication protocol and what it may mean for the development and/or use of Mozilla IOT software…

The announcement peaked my interest because Zigbee is clearly mentioned along with Silicon Labs, but the Z-Wave protocol was noticeably missing from the announcements. I have Z-Wave components.

Today, Silicon Labs announced the they are making Z-Wave radio standard “open” allowing other developers to update code and manufacture devices; probably to make sure they are not left in the dust IMHO.

BTW: I like to read “Stacy on IOT” in my rss feed. It provides news summaries about IOT topics. See:


Hi Eric,

This announcement certainly peaked our interest too!

If this new alliance is able to achieve their stated aims, it would seem to be a significant and positive development for interoperability in the smart home. It’s also encouraging to see that this news has pushed the Z-Wave Alliance to announce opening up their own protocol earlier than planned.

As I understand it, what the Connected Home over IP (CHIP) alliance intend to do is to take parts of Apple HomeKit, Google Weave and DotDot (from Zigbee) and create a single unified royalty-free application layer protocol which will run over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Thread networks using using IPv6.

They plan to have the initial specification and Apache2 licensed reference implementation ready in late 2020, so I wouldn’t expect to see the first products certified for this new protocol until at least 2021.

You won’t have seen Mozilla’s name on the list of participants because we weren’t invited to take part in the initial launch, but we have expressed an interest in finding out more information and have been in communication with existing members.

In the short term this news doesn’t make much difference to Mozilla WebThings in that people will continue to use their existing Zigbee, Z-Wave and HomeKit smart home products (and the many other protocols!) for the foreseeable future.

In the medium term it may mean that users need fewer adapter add-ons to add all their smart home devices to the WebThings Gateway as new devices converge on this new protocol.

In the long term we will need to evaluate in detail how this new protocol complements or competes with the Web of Things and what that means for our long term strategy of being a trusted personal agent for the connected home.

In the meantime, Web of Things standardisation will continue with a new Working Group Charter starting in the new year. As will other efforts like the one run by the Open Connectivity Foundation. I hope that eventually these efforts will converge into a smaller set of standards in the smart home space.

As well as the issue of interoperability, we will also continue to advocate for privacy and security in the connected home, which can be as much in the implementation of the standards as in the standards themselves.

In conclusion, this press release sounds like a very positive development! It will be challenging for this new alliance to mash all those existing protocols into a single unified protocol and I imagine there will be a lot of politics involved and quite a while yet until we see the first products. So we’re waiting to see what comes of it, and will contribute where appropriate.


P.S. I read Stacey on IoT too, she’s great!


Great comment and feedback and I’m glad Mozilla IOT will be involved.

I have my reservations about this… Note that this new “CHIP” standard will only will use IPv6… Ask yourself why that is? There is no shortage of ipV4 addresses WITHIN private networks ( like 192.186 etc. etc. - recycled forever).
The only possible reason for this is that each and every device using the CHIP standard must be able to be addressed from OUTSIDE the local network - Now look at the business models of the companies involved… Just sayin’

IPv6 supports private ULA addressing which is just as private as IPv4… One should not be afraid of IPv6.

Supporting local, stand-alone, management of IOT is a major concern which is one reason many of us are here supporting Mozilla IOT. I would rather implement my home management tools with limited capabilities to remain private. Alas, most people do not understand the technical details required to do this and require cloud-based services.


The point I was making is that the NOT supporting IPv4 they are showing their colours :slight_smile:
I don’t see nay reason why anyone outside my home network should have any idea what my stuff is doing :slight_smile:

  • IPv6 ULA is private just like private IPv4. All data will remain on your local network.

  • Neglecting to mention IPv4 does not mean it will not be supported

  • My internet provider does not support IPv6 on our cable modems (have not enabled it). I doubt that CHIP will disenfranchise entire geographic regions by requiring public IPv6.

  • There is a need in many cases for end-2-end SSL communications using certificates (lock, cameras, security, etc). This is one process I think they are researching. This begins with generating SSL certificates using public IP addresses during initial provisioning.

Only time will tell…

The data released by the consortium explicitly shows IPv6 only in their “stack” diagram…
Look here

I don’t think they explicitly want to exclude IPv4.
The idea of the consortium is to reuse things which are already existing.
Most of the standards of the past years for IP in IoT are targeting IPv6.
If you look at BLE, there is a proposal for IPv6 over BLE (, not IPv4.
Zigbee, as well as Thread, are based on 802.15.4.
There is an IPv6 Layer on top of 802.15.4 called 6LoWPAN, which is used by Thread.
Adding IPv4 support to all of this would result in a lot of effort with almost no gain from a technical perspective.

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That’s exactly why I dumped Amazon Echo in favour of Mozilla IOT; I don’t want my home appliances on internet and completely out of my control.