Changes to the TCP Categories

During the last TCP Coordinator’s meeting, we breifly discussed Discourse and the TCP categories, where we agreed that there are too many sub-categories. Users may not know which category their post fits into, or it may fit into more than one. I like @asa’s quote on this:

If we can build the OS using just two mailing lists, do we need 7 categories just for this program?

My thoughts are that we should have seperate categories about Firefox OS on tablets (the bulk of discussion) and hardware-related discussions (issues, accessories, etc).

With that in mind, this is my proposal for the new categories:

  • Tablet Contribution Program: Condense all the current categories into the single main category. 99% of the discussion should go here.
  • Hardware: This sub-category will be for hardware-specific discussion (issues, mostly). This category will be monitored by the TCP coordinators and they will be able to step in and help out if needed.

We will be taking feedback until Tuesday 28th October. You can (and should) reply to this thread if you agree with these changes or want to make changes to this proposal. After this, we will finalize the categories and make the changes. All current threads will be moved to the relevant category.

After these changes have taken place, we will also give the categories email addresses. This means you will be able to interact with Discourse as if it was a regular mailing list, if you prefer.


I agree it has become too complex

Steve Lee

I also agree!!!

+1 =)

Awesome idea! It’ll be easier on those new to discourse to select a topic and for those that aren’t sure which category they should be picking. Plain and simple is the best way to go! :slight_smile:

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Current posts show that those categories would be fine.

+1 of course. I am new to Mozilla community, and TCP is my way to get into this community. New design, hopefully, will make getting-involved process easier for brand new contributors like me.


Thank you for your first contribution in letting us. know your thoughts. :slight_smile:

Sounds great! Thank you, Yousef, for taking this on.

@yousef When can we see this done?

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Do you need to ping the Discourse guys?

I am the Discourse guys :smile:

We still have one more day for feedback but we can get it done tomorrow.


PS I tried to find you at MozFest but did at least meet Zak who let me compare your flatfish to mine as I’m getting touch response issues in the browser - yours was fine.

Steve Lee


Just an update, this was done last week. The categories have been changed and they all have email addresses now. Check the ‘About’ post for each category for the email address you can use to post new threads.

Excellent, thanks


Autocomplete may have messed with my text

I’m sorry but I can’t find the “About” post for any category, if someone could please point me to it I would really appreciate it!

Use the topic selector to get there

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Thanks! I don’t get the top of the page options I see in your screenshot though. I just get the green Tablet Contributor Program icon but no arrow, Latest, New, Unread and so on.

Strange - are you signed in?
@yousef any thoughts?

Yes, I am! My picture shows up in the right upper corner so…