Cannot verify my AMO account

I had an old AMO account which I just tried to sign in with, but was told my password was too short and I’d need to reset it. I did this, but then when I logged in I was told I needed to activate my account by clicking the link in the email I’d been sent. I don’t think I ever received that email, but I was able to resend it and click the link which said my account was verified. Now when I log in I still get the “Activation email sent” message, even though I’ve activated my account. If I resend the activation email, I never receive it.

My account uses the same email address as my discourse account, profile is

Please shoot an email to they can help you, they won’t see this topic till later as they are out in a conference. So an email is the quickest way to get to them.

Thanks noitidart. I didn’t see this until just now and my account is working now, presumably the unverified status was cached somewhere.

Hopefully the admins will see this when they are back and can reproduce the bug, as it was a pretty rubbish new-ish user experience.