Cannot download "Self distributing addon"

I have developed an addon for my personal use (not hosting it in AMO) it is approved with some “warnings” because of use of “element.innerHTML” (using my addon, I am creating some svg barcodes and adding them to the webpage) but now I am having problem downloading it.
I didn’t have this issue before for the same addon.
The error says, “This add-on is not available on your platform. Not compatible with Firefox Quantum”
How do I fix this issue?

You should be able to download it using the link you received with the email that indicates it was signed. That should point you to the add-on page in the Developer Hub where you can get the files. It sounds like you’re looking at the hidden listing page, which shows those warnings.

There is no download link in the developer hub.
I remember, in the past I could download immediately after signing the addon but since couple of weeks I am having issues.
The email I got after my addon was approved looks like this “Your add-on, XXXXX, has passed our automatic tests. Version 1.0.1 is now signed and ready for you to download at Note that you need to be logged in as a developer of the add-on before downloading.”

Why do I need to be logged in to download/add to ff? Sounds weird because this will make it very difficult to share with my coworkers.

You chose “self-hosted” which implies, that you handle the distribution and not AMO.

Thanks for reply guys.
Found a way to download/add the addon to the firefox.
This is what I did:

  • Go to manage versions page
  • Set the compatibility to max version
  • Save the changes
  • Click the file (.xpi) at the top and add it to the firefox