[Cancelled - Sponsorship not available] Developer's Day 2016 by FAST University [Speaker Required]

Dear Tech Speakers Team,

There is going to be an event called Developer’s Day 2016 by FAST University on 10th March. It is being hosted by FAST-NUCES and organized by the ACM chapter at FAST-NUCES. The event draws students from reputable institutions across Karachi and neighboring cities in Pakistan.

I would like to specially request @flaki if you would be available to conduct a Tech Talk at the event about:

  • WebExtensions
  • Electrolysis
  • Servo
  • MozVR


Depending on your response, i will file the appropriate Budget Request for your Travel Expanses, along with the Funds required by the organizers for us to hold this event.

Awaiting your response.


  • Mozilla Rep from Karachi, Pakistan
  • Regional Ambassador Lead (RAL) of the Firefox Student Ambassadors program in Pakistan

Hey @mhasan, thank you for reaching out! I’m really humbled!

Unfortunately I will be in the US that time, so I cannot make it there — but if you’d like (and if we can make the timing work) I’d be happy to give a talk over Vidyo! If you are interested, find me on Telegram (@ slsoftworks), and let’s try to work out the details! :wink:

Also I’d encourage you to reach out to other TechSpeakers, there are great folks, even much more well-versed in some of those topics than me out there! I’ve shared your post with the other TechSpeaky folks. :wink:


Unfortunately I’ll also be in US at that time. But we have now around 4-5 TechSpeakers in India. And if they have time the travel should be very easy for them (distance wise).

Tagging @kaustavdm @debloper @damarla_sumanth @viswanathamsantosh

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There is no way I can get a visa by March 10. I’d be happy to talk remotely if that helps.

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Yeah I had the same thought and I think it will be the same issue with other Tech Speakers from India.

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Yes. Unless someone has an existing visa.

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