Can we upload a Newer Version to a "pending review" without Losing Position in the Queue?

We updated some features to fix cosmetic things and non critical warns to make Reviewers life easier (and fix the lack of an image on the icon list)

Can we somehow replace the pending slot? We are currently position 100 or 150, and I dont want to lose a weeks of waiting in line in the queues. :smile:

Likely since we’re a startup, we will be expanding and adding features to this - so it will most likely be updated one more time to add more UI features before the actual full review is made. I understand this cant be done WHILE being reviewed, but while waiting, we’d like to push hotfixes.

Please (pretty please) advise.

This has been buried - by any chance can we have an answer on this? :smile:

This is a known bug and definitely not intended. I don’t know when it will get fixed, though.

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Thanks for your reply @TheOne

What do you advise then? We cannot afford as a company to lose the weeks spent in a queue, but we also wish to maximize efficiency of your already overly burdened group of reviewers.

What can we do to add updates? Can someone manually upload a new file or perhaps adjust queue after upload? Or best to just sit and wait, submit the updates after full review (or review requested changes)?

I recommend uploading a new version. That way, the reviewers will see the latest code and don’t have to review a second version with possibly lots of changes right after the current one has been approved.

We are working on reducing the queue size, currently several people are working almost full-time on clearing the backlog.

But you are stating if I do, I will lose my place in the Queue due to a bug, Correct?

A 5 year old bug still waiting to be fixed and still counting.

Yes, you will lose your place in the Queue.

What you can do to “keep” your place in the queue while uploading a newer version:

  • Click “Request Full Review” on your add-on version that is currently pending review

  • Upload the new version

  • Click “Cancel Review Request”

If all goes right your add-on has now a more up to date version pending review and you have not lost your position in the queue.

Worst case you might lose up to 5 places because other add-ons were submitted in the time between your request for full review and cancelation of it, or more if you take a long time to follow the mentioned method.

Whether you lose your position in the queue depends on a few factors.

Actually, these days, getting bumped to the end of the queue gives you a higher chance of a timely review. I know this is not how it’s supposed to be, but there’s not much we can do about it, until we have significantly decreased the queues size.

Patches are very welcome!

If you notice after that quote there’s more text where I do provide a workaround that can be used as a temporary patch, it should be easy to adapt the method to the current system until the issue can be fixed.

When a new version is uploaded while another one is waiting to be reviewed, automatically switch to Full review queue before receiving the add-on, receive the add-on, return to preliminary review queue after receiving it. This being done on the server side would net practically no loss in queue positions since the shifts would be virtually instantaneous.