Can’t install addons

Hi, I have several addons installed which seem to be working. I just today tried to install two additional addons- Wemo and Network presence detector. Both failed to install. Have tried multiple times with several restarts and playing around with a bunch of network settings without luck. Any ideas why this is happening?


Can you send me your log from ~/.mozilla-iot/log?

Also, is this with our official Raspberry Pi image or something else?

Ok this may have been my fault. Have also been messing around with a separate raspberry pi hosting pihole and changed my cable modem/router configuration a bit.

Somehow my Mozilla IoT raspberry pi has lost the ability to access the internet. It can see my local network but that’s it. I tried messing around with the wired and wireless settings both through the GUI and ssh without luck. Will just reformat and start over.

Thanks for your offer to help though. Please close this thread.