Can I abandon full review status and still get signed (consistently)?

I currently have a fully reviewed extension in AMO. I’m looking at refactoring and rewriting a large portion of it, and I’m severely hampered by adhering to to AMO review requirements (both the ones I know and the ones I have to guess at).

My extension is cross-platform and Firefox/Thunderbird only make up about one-tenth of the user base, but about nine-tenths of the review hassle. I still love Firefox (and Tbird) and use it myself, but supporting it driving me nuts.

Is it possible to get preliminarily reviewed (so, signed) and just stay at that state forever – passing preliminary review for each new version? I don’t mind (at this point) not being listed in AMO search results, nor do I mind if my users have to click through a warning to install. I just want them to be able to install.



Yes, you can send an email to amo-admins AT mozilla DOT org and we’ll change your extension status to preliminarily reviewed, and then your updates will only have to pass the preliminary approval bar.