Call for contributors - Final version [Update] We need translations

Hi B2Geeks ! :slightly_smiling:
We are writing a call for contributors, which we would like to send as soon as possible.
Everyone is welcome to come an review it, to add content and comments.

The goal is to share it to Firefox OS phone communities, and also “tech” communities (web developers) were you feel it can be interesting and people might want to get involved.
(For a wider audience we should wait right now)

It would also be great to translate the final version, if some of you want to help please go ahead :slightly_smiling:

I will attend to the Ubuntu party at the end of the month in Paris. I will help on the mozilla stand, but I can also present B2G OS and share this call for contributors.


Great! Do you think it would be useful to print flyers?

Final version:

What is B2G OS?

The Boot to Gecko (B2G) project was started [1] in 2011 to build a complete, standalone operating system for the open web. B2G is a community maintained open source project based on the Linux kernel and Gecko rendering engine and has been used as the basis of commercial Firefox OS smartphone and smart TV products.

In December 2015 the Mozilla Corporation announced [2] it was shifting its focus away from smartphones to other types of connected devices [3]. Since then a transition project [4] has been underway to modernize B2G and create a leaner platform on which to build smart TVs and other potential connected devices products in the future. As part of this transition, Mozilla’s community of volunteers is taking ownership over the smartphone-specific parts of B2G so that Mozilla employees can focus their efforts elsewhere.

The transition project aims to replace Mozilla’s legacy app runtime with new standards-based web apps and move the core B2G system closer to the architecture of the Firefox web browser. This will reduce complexity and maintenance costs and create a platform for the future based on emerging web standards.

Why Do We Need Your Help?

Maintaining an operating system is a big project and a large community of volunteers is needed if we are to keep B2G running on the smartphone form factor. There are many ways to contribute such as building and testing the OS, filing and fixing bugs, developing new features, porting to new devices, helping with documentation and localization and even just using and talking about the B2G project.

Help is already needed on the transition project to get core system features working, port smartphone apps to the new architecture and document everything which has changed. Once the transition is complete we hope to build an even bigger community of contributors to help making B2G move forward.

If you’re interested in the challenge of helping to maintain a complete, standalone operating system for the open web, then we want to hear from you! B2G is made by the community for the community and we need your help.

How to Get Started

There are many ways to get in touch with the B2G community including the main forum [5], the dev-fxos mailing list [6], our #fxos IRC channel for real-time chat [6] and telegram group [7] for more general and informal discussions. We also hold weekly public meetings [8] on Vidyo where you can catch up with the latest news and meet other members of the team.

See B2G OS [9] on MDN for a list of ways you can get involved depending on your particular interests.


If you translate it, please post a link here.

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I’ll manage to translate it in French tomorrow, if anyone wanna help to do it / review the result, you’re welcome :wink:

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Here’s a pad to work on the french version.

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can we use this on mdn main page ?

Having a banner linking to it can be a great idea IMHO. It’s better to keep it in another page.
But I’m not sure MDN is the best one for that, the wiki seems to be better.

I will help with the french version.

@Valentin Some flyers could be usefull because there is always some people with their flame or Open C but their number is very low. It can also give a good image for the project.
I will print at least the call for contributors on one page to put it on the table. People can write links if they are interested, so I don’t know if it’s really useful…

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@lapineige Finished to review your part, I’ve noted some suggestions. Choose what you prefer. I have translated the second part, don’t hesitate to modify what I’ve done.

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I’m doing the same, please take a look :wink:

Hi, I started to translate to german.

Please have a look over it and edit it into a text of beauty ;O)


Please add a link there, people will help you :wink:
edit: great thanks

French version done, see the pad (link above).

What do you think about publishing the call for contributor (+ translations) on the wiki ?

Please if you spread it, add the different channels in this list:

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I can translate into Italian. Give me a week :slightly_smiling:


@erotavlas, I’ve just finished a draft of the italian translation.

Hope someone can help me with the finishing touch!

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Unfortunately we did duplicate work. Tomorrow morning I will post my translation.

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Maybe you can compare both and find the best sentences in each one to create the final one.

Of course. For your information I’m also working at Spanish version even if in this case I need a review from mother tongue.