Building CM-11 for Flame

Good news, I got a working dt.img and a broken recovery.img.

I fixed the dt.img issue by patching the AOSP build/core/Makefile with the Makefile from B2G.

Right now I get this error when looking into logcat:

- exec '/system/bin/sh' failed: No such file or directory (2) -

EDIT: it seems that the build doesn’t have any system/bin/ dir at all

Any update on this?

No, I have very little time and since I don’t know the cause of this, I’m having a hard time to figure out a solution.


on init
    export PATH /sbin:/system/bin

on fs
    mount ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system /system ro barrier=1 wait

This is required to get access to /system/bin/.

At the moment recovery is booting and doesn’t seem to throw any errors. Unfortunately the screen stays just black. I can only access the device through adb shell.

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I’m also very interested in this. I have a Flame laying around, would be great to have it for testing some stuff again.

I’m still looking forward to this as well. TN, are you documenting your effort anywhere, or maybe have a repository with all the things you’re building?

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Well i write down what ever I did on here. But what I can do is, to publish my modified repos. I’m quite busy at the moment but I will try to publish them on GitHub in the next weeks.

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I am waiting for the update.

Any update about this topic?

Sorry guys, I don’t have my work with me at the moment, and won’t be able to share anything before October.

Hi Jovan, is there any update about the build? Thanks for your efforts!

@TitanNano, would you have any news by chance? What’s the current status of this project at least?

Unfortunately not. The build project is on my stationary machine which I can’t access right now. I can’t give any estimation for when I will be able to share my work with you guys.

Hey, any news about this?