Building CM-11 for Flame

@Neo2SHYAlien well backup-flame/system/etc/bluetooth/ contains several config files including the main.conf, but there must be a reason why mozilla didn’t pull it into vendor/t2m/flame

Bug probably :slight_smile: When I did first AOSP build for FlatFish I also find bug in device files :slight_smile:

@Neo2SHYAlien so whats your suggestion, remove the usage of the config file, or add it to the vendor dir?

Add it to vendor dir is better :wink:

So I included the config files but that only ends with this message:

PRODUCT_COPY_FILES vendor/t2m/flame/proprietary/etc/bluetooth/audio.conf:system/etc/bluetooth/audio.conf ignored.
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES vendor/t2m/flame/proprietary/etc/bluetooth/auto_pairing.conf:system/etc/bluetooth/auto_pairing.conf ignored.
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES vendor/t2m/flame/proprietary/etc/bluetooth/blacklist.conf:system/etc/bluetooth/blacklist.conf ignored.
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES vendor/t2m/flame/proprietary/etc/bluetooth/input.conf:system/etc/bluetooth/input.conf ignored.
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES vendor/t2m/flame/proprietary/etc/bluetooth/main.conf:system/etc/bluetooth/main.conf ignored.
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES vendor/t2m/flame/proprietary/etc/bluetooth/network.conf:system/etc/bluetooth/network.conf ignored.

I guess this doesn’t really help…

Try to comment the copy lines. In the next few days I’ll try to setup flame build tree…

is this still being worked on? i have a whole bunch of them laying around and would be of great use for testing of firefox for android.

yes I’m working on it, but not very fast. There is not very much time at the moment.

id offer to help but i really am not the greatest at porting… i was just QA engineering XD

Actually the process is kind of porting, it’s more building :wink: I’m also don’t have any time to start working over this project at the moment :frowning:

Currently I’m stuck with this error:

hardware/qcom/media/mm-video-v4l2/vidc/vdec/test/omx_vdec_test.cpp:39:34: fatal error: media/msm_media_info.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

I know this file is in kernel/include/media/msm_media_info.h but I don’t know why the build system doesn’t find it…

Search on bugzilla I’m pretty sure I had a similar issue :slight_smile:

TitanNano Jovan
January 15

Currently I’m stuck with this error:

fatal error: media/msm_media_info.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

I know this file is in kernel/include/media/msm_media_info.h but I don’t
know why the build system doesn’t find it…

I searched on Google and bugzilla but I couldn’t find anything related or similar to this issue.

try the fix in

Sorry, I don’t quite get what I should try.

this patch includes headers from bionic/libc/kernel/common and bionic/libc/kernel/arch-${CPU_ARCH}. These headers seem to be already included.

I tried to change this:
TARGET_GLOBAL_CPPFLAGS += -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp

to this:
TARGET_GLOBAL_CPPFLAGS += -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp -Ikernel/include

which ends in several errors about types being redefined.

I fixed this by using the caf platform/hardware/qcom/media

I got the build to complete, but the dt.img is still not working. If I repack the recovery image with the original dt.img it starts booting (also broken but it starts)

Hi TN!
Have you managed to get anywhere further?

nope sorry. I’m quite busy right now. If any one has a hint for why the dt.img is not working I can give it a try. But I don’t have time to investigate.

Well i had an other look at it today and noticed that the dt.img doesn’t even get build. I had this issue under CM before, but I honestly can’t remember how I solved it. If anyone knows how to include it in AOSP, tips are wellcome. :sweat_smile: