Does this mean code for TV also turned to chrome:// ? Gaia will be based on pure web standards ?
I flashed my flame this week end and I can confirm that these features works:
- Shutdown / Restart menu
- Lock screen
- Keyboard works
- Can create new browser windows
The utility tray is broken on my phone so I can’t test the rest. I will wait the merge of the transition branch into master, to flash my phone again and test the complete list given.
@kskarthik This is what was planned for a while. The B2GOS goals in the wiki describe that.
Extract of the wiki:
- Modernise the B2G platform (replace legacy mozApps-only APIs with new web standards)
- Create a leaner platform on which to build Smart TV and other connected devices products (reduced complexity and maintenance cost)
I remember that someone has done a beautiful graph that represents the branching program but I don’t find it anymore…
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