Bug 1485239 and advice about editing wiki

hello mdn contributors [ Mozilla Platform docs ],

what can i do ?
fix typos, links, etc… i am not good writer.

resources available to me ?
mobile w/4g access

i have created an account at mdn docs [1].
does the above resources are enough to edit the wiki ?
reporter of bug 1485239 says link was not created, if i find similar issue, what should i do ?

what should i avoid while editing wiki, particularly newbies ?
are there any do and don’t for newbies ?

any suggestion, criticism, tips are welcome.
[1] https://developer.mozilla.org/


This should help:

@ExE-Boss i have read again the given link. i have few things in mind and i would like to discuss and proceed before start editing wiki and on bugzilla. however, i would request you to ping who work extensively editing wiki and bugzilla persons ( persons who you know ) and most importantly, your opinion also.

i find anything incorrect, i will report as given at Option 5 on mdn link.

about editing wiki

  • is there any word limit for wiki edit comment
  • does wiki recognize mozila bug number, i mean does create link to bugzilla
  • when and how to force refresh edited wiki entry

about bugzilla

  • create issue to document what changes are made in wiki
  • only create issue if there are five or more changes
  • do not create issues for a couple of simple typos like punctuation marks, etc…

comments, criticisms, suggestions are welcome.

Hi @leela52452! Welcome, and thanks for asking about contributing!

That bugzilla link needs to be updated. (I’ll do that right after posting this.) We are now tracking content issues in Github.

is there any word limit for wiki edit comment

There probably is, but I haven’t encountered it. If a wiki edit needs a lot of explanation, it’s probably best to either create a GitHub issue about it, or start a discussion in this forum.

does wiki recognize mozila bug number, i mean does create link to bugzilla

In article text, you can use the “bug” macro: for example: {{bug(1485239)}} (this works on MDN, but not here on Discourse)

when and how to force refresh edited wiki entry

You can force a refresh when you want to be sure that a change that you made came out the way you wanted it to. If you are logged in, that will force it to be reloaded from the server. You may get a message about the update being in-process; have patience, wait a few minutes, and try again. (There is a CDN involved, so changes do not propagate instantly.)

about bugzilla

  • create issue to document what changes are made in wiki
  • only create issue if there are five or more changes
  • do not create issues for a couple of simple typos like punctuation marks, etc.

For simple changes, you don’t need to create any issue – just make the change. If you think something is wrong, but you don’t know how to fix it, then create an issue. (For example, if a sentence is unclear, and you don’t know the correct meaning.) If the change is a departure from the way things are currently done, definitely create an issue before making the change. There isn’t a strict rule like “five or more changes”. It’s more a question of whether the change is straightforward (typo fixes and factual corrections) or interpretative (semantics or approaches).

I hope that helps, and please do post more questions if you have them.


hello @jswisher, thanks for your helpful reply, i am glad and happy to post here and found all answers or solutions.

i will keep it in mind and wait patiently until it is done.

yes, i will.

i will definitely post if i have any obstacle or or need clarification, suggestion, etc…

yes. see Revision 1588896