Breef Feed issues

I have been having issues with the Brief Feed reader. Ever since I re-installed it (I dropped it for another reader addon during the compatibility issues with the prior versions) it has not been recognizing any feed I try to add to the “subscribed feeds” folder. Does anyone know a fix for this?

I think this question probably belongs in the Add-ons Support section?

Since you haven’t used Brief in a while, I am guessing that you have installed version 2.0 and previously were using version 1.x. The new version had a lot of structural changes, so it might not work the way you remember it (you can see several reviews from users upset about the changes on

I use Brief myself but not on the computer I am using right now, so I can’t check its functionality at the moment. There is a note about changing the method of subscribing to feeds in the release notes for 2.0:

Thanks for the imput

Moved to correct category. Thanks, Will!