Benjamin Kerensa - Stepping Back

Dear Reps,

I regret to I inform you, that as a result of health issues, Reps Mentor and Council candidate Benjamin Kerensa will be unable to continue with his duties, and has withdrawn from the upcoming election.

Please join us in thanking Benjamin for his extraordinary contributions to Mozilla, and the Mozilla Reps program to date - with wishes for improved health and wellness in the coming months.

Once a Mozillian, always a Mozillian!

If you are a mentee of Benjamin’s we will be reaching out to you individually.


Emma Irwin
on behalf of council


Hope this is nothing serious, get well soon! All my best!

Thanks @bkerensa for all hard work on Reps, Release Management and Community!
I do hope everything will be better soon! Take care!

Thanks @bkerensa for all your work. I hope you will better soon!

My dear friend Benjamin Kerensa,

I was following you since few years back. I am extremely sad for you. When seeing your name in the list of candidates, I had already reserved my vote for you. You have really great and strong ideas but I am sure you are stronger enough to face this situation.


Thanks for reaching out Benjamin Kerensa and for the energy you brought into the

Quick recovery and continued health.

Mrinal Jain

Thanks for all you are and that you do for Mozilla, Benjamin. We’re with you in this - here’s to lots of rest and a speedy recovery.

Hello Benjamin thank you most sincerely for your dedication to mozilla
and give us your time to open source enthusiasts who believe in the
ideals of mozilla. Here is a thought to brighten your day and help you
during those hours when you turn up. quick recovery

Hello Benjamin,

Many thanks for your hard work! I hope you get better soon. My best wishes!

Best regards,
QA Mozilla Hispano Team Responsible

Get well soon @bkerensa

Thanks for being an awesome Rep and Mozillian!

Just get well soon Dear Ben, We have a lot to do. Don’t let me miss you :pensive:

Get well soon, @bkerensa. Be strong and wish you all the best for everything :disappointed_relieved:

Sorry to read about this Ben

Hey Benjamin,

Thanks for your awesome contribution for Mozilla.

I wish for your speedy recovery, get well soon.

Get well soon, Benjamin. I hope there’s no serious issue with your health.
Thank you for all of your awesome work for the community and best of luck!

Get well soon, your health is the most important!


Get well soon @bkerensa

Take care