BCG- Business Colloboration Group

“Business Collaboration Group”

  1. We are planning to start a community for Marketing Students who are
    currently pursuing Bachelors of Business Administration(BBA) and Masters
    of Business administration(MBA) in collaboration with small,medium and
    large scale companies.
  2. We are trying to bring real-time Marketing,Advertising and Branding
    problems from the companies and let students to work on them.
  3. By doing this both companies as well as students will be benefited.
  4. We are also planning to Provide client servicing for the companies.

We would be glad if Mozilla can help us in growing this Community :slight_smile:

Could you elaborate a bit more how this is connected to Mozilla marketing efforts?

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Business Collaboration Group(BCG),Which has a sole motive of channelizing students and other folks who don’t belong to a technical field but can contribute to Mozilla via their sound Marketing Skills etc…This project mainly targets students who are currently involved in courses like MBA,BBA,BMS etc as well as those who would get into this field in mere future.

We firmly believe that this would definitely yield good results and be beneficial to Mozilla in publicizing the brand thus increasing the brand value as well as the members of this group a platform to practically apply and actuate their knowledge.

Pinging @bking and @Chelsea who might be interested in knowing more about this :slight_smile:

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They should connect with @TJLee who runs the Firefox Student Ambassador
program, which is a student group focused on Firefox marketing.
