B2GOS & Chirimen Collaboration

Let’s discuss the possibilities of our both teams to work together, helping each other adopting the new architecture of B2G for our projects :slight_smile:


Introduction Of CHIRIMEN Open Hardware Community

CHIRIMEN open source has just released at 30 April.
Board OS is B2G.

CHIRIMEN Board had began to sell it from switch-science in 6 August.

Near the Future, We will be performed hands-on of Sale Aniversary at 17 September in Japan.

Now, We are discussing Web API, javascript Polyfill, sample code for CHIRIMEN,
starter kit (hardware/software) for education and more.

thank you.


It’s FUN for the project Chirimen because these passages in Japan in 2015 and early 2016, there are not available
I hope now to have one.

Hi hellosct1!

thank you for message.
CHIRIMEN Open Hardware Community was communicated this.

Now discuss is meeting repository: https://github.com/chirimen-oh/meeting

Now, meeting contents written by Japanese only.
Is it an answer of your question?

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@kskarthik, @akihiko_kigure, I think our projects are compatible. Is there something we can start to work on, together?

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You are right. our both projects have very few differences, for example chirimen needs gpio, usb drivers which we don’t. Apart from them we have no significant diffs.

we have no objection for joining B2G OS community.
but we (me and other community Member) would like to know
what kind of thing you’d like to collaborate on.

I’m not a technician, so I’m not the best person to say which can be the first point to work on together, but in my opinion it’s easier to start our cooperation with something concrete instead of doing theorical plans.

By the way, it’s a first try, so we should find something achievable, fast and usefull for both projects.

@kskarthik, @Novski, @m.ducorps, @benfrancis, @fabrice, @enrico_ghiorzi do you have any hint?

I like the Chirimen a lot (I even have an early board on my desk :wink: ) but I also struggle a bit on figuring out what would be the common ground. Last I looked, Chirimen was adding custom DOM APIs to access hardware features, and that’s something we really need to move away from. However I agree that it’s nice to use web tech to build your apps.
If you look at what we started to do for an IoT “gateway” at https://github.com/fxbox/foxbox that looks more promising to me and could run on the Chirimen board. I would be happy to provide any details you may need!


If you look at what we started to do for an IoT “gateway” at https://github.com/fxbox/foxbox that looks more promising to me and could run on the Chirimen board.




Working on the same OS i hope we could find a common interest here to join forces !
On your side do you have anything you are struggling on you would need help with ?

On our side the main topic is to move to web standard B2GOS to be able to build new features from here.

Thinking loudly would it be possible to have a regular building of the CHIRIMEN build with threeherder ? I guess it includes basic QA testing also ?
@akihiko_kigure would you be interested by this if it’s doable ?


PS: i’m also interested by your board !!


thank you for information.
I’ll check it up for https://github.com/fxbox/foxbox.

Myself am interested in an individual in the next.

  1. B2G OS version up for CHIRIMEN Board.
    Now B2G OS Version of CHIRIMEN Board is Version 2.5/ Gecko 44
    Near the future, B2G OS upgraded to stand by Version 2.6/ Gecko 46.0a.1(Nightly version?).

  2. USB driver problem about a network
    There are few wi-fi devices which can be used at present.
    It’s one of problems that a LAN opinion isn’t made of a cable.

PS: i’m also interested by your board !!

thank you for interested by CHIRIMEN board !!

Other members think there is a different opinion again.

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Hi @akihiko_kigure !

Thanks for your feedback,

I’m not sure this really is finished and if it will be ever finished, i think if you need something stable you need to stay en 2.5 and then move to B2GOs depending of the target of your board.

I don’t know how hacked the linux kernel is in B2GOs, but normally we should support pretty much the wifi drivers proposed by CM11 or 12.



Since B2G is stopped now, what are the plans of chirimen community? It’s better we come up with a future proof solution for our both projects & decrease work load. Shall we discuss this in meeting next Tuesday?

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The version of the B2G OS of CHIRIMEN board is as follows.
OS : Boot to Gecko 2.5 (Gecko 44)

A fork is doing the above version.
Therefore a CHRIEMEN Open Hardware Community doesn’t influence this announcement.

Since B2G is stopped now, what are the plans of chirimen community?

I don’t have a plan personally in the present.
Other members think there is a different opinion again.

Shall we discuss this in meeting next Tuesday?

Okay, I participate in next Tuesday.
Participation will be suggested to other members, too.

Should I participate from the B2G Vidyo Room written on wiki.mozilla.org/B2G/Meeting ?

Will notify you soon how to participate :slight_smile:

Okay, I’m waiting for how to participate.:grin:

Are you saying that you will stay on gecko 44? It’s risky to not keep up to date and not get the security fixes.

Are you saying that you will stay on gecko 44? It’s risky to not keep up to date and not get the security fixes.

than you for Advice.
i think about Topic for discussion that next Tuesday’s .

now, prepare for a meeting, Etherpad is writing.
Questtions, Requests, Suggestion…etc.
It’s to conclude an opinion beforehand from other members.

Etherpad links is this.


CHIRIMEN Open Hardware Community Opinions are this links.


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