B2G OS Transition volunteer contribution status - week 20


Here is a status on the B2G OS Transition project contribution.

Global overview:
More and more people joining, we went from 125 members on the Telegram group early this week, to 144 as of today. It also seems that we gather more technical profiles.

Code (2 active volunteers, 13 candidates for mentoring)

  • some more code contribution
  • more people interested on code and porting gaia apps everyday
  • UI/UX skilled contributors joining

Building and Porting (~10 volunteers)

  • regular volunteer builds for flame
  • volunteer builds for Open C
  • B2G installer addon signed, will be available on addons.mozilla.org soon

Infra (2 volunteers)

  • Mozilla Corporation can continue to provide B2G infrastructure but not the staff to keep it running. May want a separate instance of certain tools.
  • Need executive decision to ensure it, and volunteers to run the infra.

Governance (6 volunteers)

  • provisional council to tackle governance questions and prepare for the future being formed
  • ongoing discussions on the democratic organization and decision making process

Documentation (4 contributors)

  • MDN transition completed
  • Working on translation, FAQ and guide for new contributors

Communication (7 contributors)

  • Call for contribution finished and circulated
  • Translation started, the call for contribution was translated in 5 languages in a couple days

For more information please check the public dashboard.