B2G OS Transition Monthly meeting on Monday the 25th of April


It’s been 4 weeks (already!) that we had the B2G OS Transition kickoff meeting.
So please join us for the next one, which was postponed to Monday the 25th at 23:00 India Standard Time/19:30 Central European Standard Time/17:30 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)/10:30 Pacific Daylight Time, in the B2G Vidyo room, on the B2G OS telegram group or #fxos IRC channel on irc.mozilla.org.
Notes will be on this etherpad.

Hope to see you there!


Just a quick UP! to remind everyone :slightly_smiling:

Actually, it’s moved to the 25th at 23:00 India Standard Time/19:30 Central European Standard Time/17:30 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)/10:30 Pacific Daylight Time. Sorry, for moving it again, but that’s what worked the best.
I’ll update the text right away and send an invite on the different channels.

Reminder : It will take place in approximately 4 hours.
See you there! :slight_smile:

Too early for me, sorry! I’ll read the notes/etherpad later.


Reminder: it’s in 30 min :slightly_smiling:

Meeting just ended. Here are the the etherpad notes: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/b2gos-transition-2016-04-25
(You have it on the first post too, it’s just a reminder)

The meeting recording is available here.

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Great, thanks again @Valentin