B2G OS - Flamingo (Sony Xperia E3) builds

B2G OS - Flamingo (Sony Xperia E3) builds

Device: Sony Xperia E3
Codename: Flamingo
Model: D2203

This post will keep track of the status of Flamingo’s porting status, providing the latest builds and basic flashing instructions.

Latest build: work in progress :construction_worker:

The current effort to obtain a working build is taking place in another thread,
Building B2G for Flamingo. Any help there is most welcome!

More technical details on the building process for this device may appear in a wiki page eventually. For the moment they are classified. :wink:

For general building and flashing instruction, refer to B2G OS on MDN.


Great idea and presentation here @enrico_ghiorzi. I hope you will be able to successfully build it soon.
And if anyone else have an E3 to help building and testing, please go ahead :slightly_smiling:

Finally a first build is ready! It’s shared trough flamingo-b2g-img.

DISCLAIMER: I take no responsibility whatsoever about whichever damage the use of the provided files could produce to your device, your computer and/or your person. Use at yout own risk. If you are not sure about what you’re doing… well, just don’t do it!

To successfully flash the device, you need to be using Sony’s open bootloader (see Sony dev website for more info). Then you need to manually flash the provided .img files using adb or fastboot.

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I’m uploading an updated build (9-sep-2016). Warning: the lockscreen slider seems to be brocken, I cannot access the lockscreen.

Ohhh ! that’s weird :confused:

New round of build today (this week a bit earlier than weekend, to test whether patches fixing last build’s issues actually work: they do)!

Link is always the same: Xperia E3 - B2G OS builds

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Excellent! I think it is really time that some people start the work to
support AOSP/from-the-internets blob handling :slight_smile:

Yes I agree! How much technical competency do you think is needed for that? If it’s just a matter of replicating the behaviour of the already supported devices I could give it a try, but if something fancier is implied it could be out of my reach…

Well, the problem is technically not rocket science. All you need to solve is:

  1. Producing a list of blobs during the build of the system (./build.sh blobfree step) ;
  2. Using that list to copy files during the reconstruction of the partitions within the addon.

We do already have all the bits in place to perform both steps. However, step (2) implies copying, hence a source of data. For now, that source has been limited to a running device (hence the enforced compatibility checks).

For devices built on top of AOSP (that is Sony AOSP-based ports and Nexus devices), we are already detecting properly the blobs. What needs to be improved is mostly within the addon: we need a way to get those blobs from elsewhere than the device.

Doing so, we might need to add some kind of descriptive information within the JSON file of the blobfree distribution, to know where and maybe how to get those blobs. But in the end, those are going to be shell scripts (Nexus) or ZIP file (Sony) that you download and extract, so probably quite trivial to do (there is already logic in the addon that does executes binaries that you can have a look at ; and we do extract zip files already).

So I expect the changes to be mostly addon-side and more glueing code than anything complex. Yet, that does not means it will be easy, I cannot promise anything since it also depends on your level of understanding :).

Besides, we already have good mochitest coverage (even though it is painful to run) so it is easy to verify you don’t break anything, and of course, you can add new tests to ensure the feature works pretty well.

I really want someone else than me doing this not really because of the amount of work required, but because the current status of the B2GOS project is really to include community: if I am still the only one hacking on this then knowledges does not flow through and it is bad. I am happy that we already have @TitanNano that did contribute some nice patches to this!

So in the end, to properly answer, it would not be exactly replicating behavior of already supported devices, but it would not be too far either.