Automatically Identify Bad Audio/Transcript Pairs


I’m attempting to build a script to help me identify poor audio/transcription pairs in my test/train data. The ideal solution will identify when the audio is all blank/mostly silence, output > input as defined by ctc loss function. My first pass on this (is_this_bad_audio), I added it to the utility included in the repo. Does anyone use a different approach that is not listening to every sample? Thanks!

import pydub
import numpy as np
import re
import as wav
from python_speech_features import mfcc
import librosa
import soundfile as sf
from util.text import text_to_char_array, Alphabet

alphabet = Alphabet("/.../alphabet.txt")

def audiofile_to_input_vector(audio_filename, numcep, numcontext):
    Given a WAV audio file at ``audio_filename``, calculates ``numcep`` MFCC features
    at every 0.01s time step with a window length of 0.025s. Appends ``numcontext``
    context frames to the left and right of each time step, and returns this data
    in a numpy array.
    # Load wav files
    fs, audio =

    # Get mfcc coefficients
    features = mfcc(audio, samplerate=fs, numcep=numcep, winlen=0.032, winstep=0.02, winfunc=np.hamming)

    # Add empty initial and final contexts
    empty_context = np.zeros((numcontext, numcep), dtype=features.dtype)
    features = np.concatenate((empty_context, features, empty_context))

    return features

def is_this_bad_audio(audio_filename, transcript):
    A simple audio validation process to determine if an audio sample may be a good candidate 
    for CTC loss given audio represented as MFCC and transcript represented as vector. Poor
    audio will also be removed by determining the decibel level averages across the audio file.
        features_len = len(audiofile_to_input_vector(audio_filename, numcep=26, numcontext=9)) - 2 * 9 #features_len
        # output = len(re.findall(r"[a-z ]", transcript))
        #alphabet = Alphabet(alphabet)
        transcript_len = len(text_to_char_array(transcript, alphabet))
        # print("DEBUG: features_len:{}   transcript_len:{}".format(features_len,transcript_len))
        if features_len < transcript_len:
            answer = "CTCError"
        elif features_len <= 1:
            answer = "TransLen<=1"
            q = pydub.AudioSegment.from_wav(audio_filename)
            if str(q.dBFS) == '-inf':
                answer = 'dBFS-inf'
            elif q.dBFS < -50:
                answer = 'dBFS<good'
                answer = "OK"
        answer = "FileError"
    return answer

def standardize_audio_input(audio_filename, audio_filename_dest, sr=8000):
    Given a WAV audio file at ``audio_filename``, standardizes audio as mono and 16bit PCM 16kHz
    and saves it to ``audio_filename_dest``.
    audio, fs = librosa.load(audio_filename, sr=sr)
    audio = librosa.resample(audio, fs, 16000, res_type='kaiser_best')
    sf.write(audio_filename_dest, audio, 16000, subtype='PCM_16')

ffmpeg has a silence detection filter:

If that doesn’t work, try the astats or volumedetect filters.

You could also try to use a VAD system like webrtc VAD and calculate portion of the detected voice in the audio. This would work both for silence and noisy audio.

Thank you for the ideas! I’m going to test this approach. Looks like there is a VAD example in the repo as well. This reads like a great way to identify when segments within a single audio contain/don’t contain spoken voice. When simply checking if a file is valid/not valid, would this be as efficient as using the avg dBFS value provided by pydub?

Has anyone created a check for audio/transcript pairs which would violate TF’s ctc loss check for output > input? I realize there is a flag to ignore, but I would like to isolate these samples prior to training for further investigation. The reason for isolation is that I’m not really sure what setting python ignore_output_longer_than_input=True actually does to my model. If it had no impact, I would assume the default would be python ignore_output_longer_than_input=True instead of False. I plan on peeking in the TF source code (as well as more of the discourse boards) to investigate but if anyone has done this already, that would be helpful info as well.