Ask me Anything with Ari Jaaksi and other Connected Devices follow-up

Hello Mozillians,

First off we’d like to take a moment to thank everyone for the many thoughtful, heartfelt questions, and discussions that have been shared in Discourse over the past few days.

We’ve been listening carefully to the conversation and chiming in where we can.

The purpose of this email is to let you know that we are committed to building on the suggestions and solutions that have been laid out by many of you. We will be sharing our immediate next steps on the wiki here and will be prioritizing the following in the next few days:

Ask Me Anything with Ari Jaaksi

First, we’d like to create an opportunity for you to engage directly with Ari Jaaksi, SVP of Connected Devices.

On Friday, February 12 @ 16h00 UTC, Ari will be hosting a 60min AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Discourse where we will invite you to share your questions and feedback directly with Ari in real time. You can subscribe to this channel to be notified when the AMA starts, by hitting "Watching" in the topic bottom left corner.

To kick-off the AMA, we have extracted some of the most frequently asked questions from the Discourse thread with the announcement. Take a moment to vote on Mozilla Moderator for the questions you would most like to hear Ari answer first. After these preliminary questions we will open the floor for everyone to ask questions directly to Ari in real time.

Next Steps for the Firefox OS Code Base

It’s clear there’s interest in continuing Firefox OS/b2g as a community-driven project. We’re incorporating this interest and feedback from the past few days and reworking the end-of-life planning process to ensure that staff and non-staff work well together in shaping the next steps.

We will have details on this process and how you can be involved by early next week.

Foxfooding - Existing Contracts and Devices

We heard a lot of questions specifically around the implications for people who are currently enrolled in the foxfooding program. We will have specific details regarding the contract and devices before the end of February, and will be sharing an interim update with Foxfooders later this week.

Lastly, while we’ve heard disappointment and disillusionment in conversations over the past days, we’ve also heard hope and excitement about the possibilities, freedom and potential of the connected devices space. We don’t have all the answers yet but we’re working to build participation into the core of the Connected Devices team and working processes moving forward. We’ll have more updates on this, with specific opportunities for involvement, in the days and weeks ahead.

We hope to see all of you at the AMA on Friday!


George Roter and John Bernard


This is AWESOME! Thanks for listening to us all. Looking forward to the AMA.

To be clear, this doesn’t mean staff being dedicated to the smartphone project on an ongoing basis. That decision is firm.

What it does mean is that there will be opportunities to shape how we get from today to having b2g as a non-staff community owned project.

Oh I know, I am just happy that we are talking about solutions and possibilities, that is it. Even if nothing comes out of it, the fact that we’re engaging into a discussion makes me happy. <3 <3 <3

Why 60 minutes? Why not 3 days? Or even better, give this Ari guy a Discourse account and invite him to hang around here?

Not only a Discourse account, but an IRC one, a Bugzilla one, install Vydio for him, ask him to fill a Mozillians profile… heck! give Ari a FirefoxOS phone and let him dogfood it as his main personal one for six months :smile:

Would be a good opportunity for him to meet people that values freedom over profit, hacker culture over startup culture, a hackeable smartphone over a locked iPhone, autonomy over submission, mailing lists debates over bullshit press-release-style blog posts, source code over fancy youtube videos with ukulele songs, principles over compromises, bottom-up incremental evolution over top-down decisions made by hired executives, etc…

The AMA will happen on Discourse, and he will reply personally to the questions.

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Is the AMA meant to be public or Mozillians only? There is no “subscribe” button in the top right on a post. There’s a button when you’re viewing a category. The AMA is currently not in its own sub-category, I’d be happy to fix that as I think that’s best practice. I assume @nukeador will be moderating?

We also have some load balancing maintenance that was scheduled for Friday, which we’ve moved up to today. If this is meant to be public and not Mozillians only, then we’ll obviously want that to have been done. You’ll also want some ops and some admins on hand in case this hits eg Reddit while it’s live. If that’s the case please let us know, like right now so we can make sure we have coverage.

It’s public but audience is the community.

Yes, that’s a typo.

We are using just one topic for the AMA under mozillians category and yes, I’ll be moderating if needed during the AMA time.

The audience is the community but since we want it public we can’t control if someone register on Friday.