Are you already doing Firefox OS builds? Chime in here


I’m having conversations with some mozillians involved in doing porting and community builds for different devices and one major blocker is the lack of a “Porting” channel to talk, share or know each other.

We would love to know who’s currently doing Firefox OS ports at Mozilla and then work on defining a place where everyone can talk about doing builds and porting.


  • Present yourself.
  • Which kind of builds are you currently doing?

Thanks! :slight_smile:


Actually i haven’t contributed to the fxos codebase , it would be great have special place to talk and share about firefox os , something like a slack channel would be great

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Firefox OS Participation Hub - Now LIVE!

Note that this topic is aimed to people creating Firefox OS Builds, not general Firefox OS conversations. People participating in the Foxfooding program they can use this category.

I’ve been doing Nexus 4 builds for a while now over here, but I’ve just got a Z3C and the official Nexus 4 builds are now out.

I did notice that the Nexus 4 (and I’m assuming the rest of the builds) aren’t able to be sideloaded via CWM/TWRP. Having flashable zips is nice since it’s easier to say “Download zip to your device and flash” than setting up adb and such. I’m thinking of ripping out the script that packages a flashable zip from my build script and making it standalone to work with the official builds.


i’m dattaz, from France, i’m a student in computer science.
I’m making build for ZTE Open C (EU/FR) =>


Hi to all!

Im doing builds for the ZTE Open and Alcatel One Touch, Im the guy from MexMod.


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I’m Vosky and I build Firefox OS for Nexus 5.
Download :
Forum :


I tried to port FxOS to my phone xiaomi redmi 1s but aborted the work due to lack of guys to help with the building process :pensive: The idea of making a group is good.

I know some folks who may be interested on this. I’ll let them know. :smiley:

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Hello, I have been maintaining Nexus S port for a long time as a contributor, hacked some never finished Desire Z port and Xperia ZR. I can help on a lot of ports related issues: employee in Mozilla Paris office.

I have been working on Flame JB and KK port. Next I did the Z3 and Z3C CAF-based port. Now we are focusing on getting several Sony devices on top of the Sony AOSP Lollipop port.

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The we are producing should be able to be sideloaded. Though this is only tested with the recovery partition produced out of the build. Supporting other recovery system is out of the scope.

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Hello, I’m from Taiwan and doing Nexus6 porting. I’m the guy from Mozilla.


It seems like the Nexus 4 one isn’t able to be sideloaded, it has the built images and a flashing script. Would it hurt to have community contributed ones alongside the official ones?

Hello all,

As you might see, we have created a subcategory just for porting and move this topic there:

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Many thanks to dattaz for his wonderful FXOS builds for the ZTE Open C. ZTE dumped us at FXOS 1.3. With the instructions and builds from dattaz’s, I now am running FXOS 2.6, and it is a huge upgrade.

A post was split to a new topic: Zip format build for the LG FX0

Somebody is doing build for the old device unagi? or knows a place to download the ROMs?

@pochy You can bring us the System folder and we can try to compile, then we can send you the result images and you can flash it and test it, and I refer as “we” because here are many “cocineros” :stuck_out_tongue:

Can I give you my fx0’s system folder so you can try to compile something?
We are stuck at 2.1 here.

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