April Foxfooding update

Dear foxfooders,

In January 2016, we communicated that by early April we would have a decision on the future of foxfooding in its current format with the Xperia Z3 Compact devices.

In early March we released an update on Discourse and by email to keep the communication on foxfooding to a regular cadence.

Now as we are progressing innovation processes within Connected Devices, we’ve taken stock and have another update. We’ll be winding down the original Firefox OS foxfooding program.

We’ve established in the last month that Foxfooders have been using the Z3 Compact running Android (for Fennec); some are still using it with Firefox OS as their primary devices; a number of devices have been seeded with colleagues/friends to trial; and some devices are simply not being used at all.

Please keep your Z3C/Flame devices. They could possibly be useful for certain test scenarios in the future with the Innovation Process within Connected Devices. This is starting to produce some interesting projects such as Vaani and SensorWeb. Your participation will continue to be governed by the terms and conditions you agreed to when you signed up to participate in the Foxfooding Program.
Previously Mozilla collected data in order to improve the Foxfooding Program and Firefox OS. That has changed in view of the evolution of the Foxfooding Program. Accordingly, we pushed out the latest 2.6 software for the Z3C’s early March.

Community members who wish to keep devices do nothing. The phone is yours to continue to provide feedback for Fennec, to use with Firefox OS, or to work on the B2G OS Transition. Paid-staff who are not using the devices will be asked to return them as the devices will be repurposed.

I’d like to take this opportunity to say again a big ‘Thank You’ for all the work done on Foxfooding.



i use my z3c with Android and my Flame with the latest www.mexmod.com/ FX OS rom :slight_smile:
Got a bunch of old Keons and other stuff i will give back next week however