Android Firefox Native Libs

Does anyone know the native libraries © exposed by android to
Firefox app? I plan to use js-ctypes but dont know the libs at my
disposal. If you can please share those libs then I can look up the
documentations and learn what all I can do. My goal is to take a native
screenshot on Android.

I’m curious to try to access the native Java libs too with this approach: which uses liveconnect blogged about here:

window.JNI baby. doneskis. can do whatever Firefox has permission to do on Android. Its jsctypes jni framework exposed by default to the window scope, very amazing.

Im not sure which all c libs are available though, not sure how to list them out, just try it and see as you need it and if it doesnt work go JNI.


surprised none of us knew about this.

no need to use that liveconnect method.